
Do You Know Who I Am?

Do You Know Who I Am
I Am New Orleans
That Place You Want To Be
That Place You Want To See
I Am The French Quarters
The Garden District
Canal Street
With My Buddy Bourbon Street On The Side Of Me
I Am the Swamps And The Bayous
I Am The Above Ground Cemeteries
The Plantations And City Park
I Am The River Walk And Audubon Park
I Am The Zoo And The Aquarium
That You Come To See
I Am Mardi Gras World
Mardi Gras
I Am That Party Town That You Heard About
You Know
The Big Easy
Do You Know
Who I Really Am
I Don't Think So
It Is Not A Secret So I Am Gonna Tell You
I Am That Hustler That Makes The Block
I Am That Child Who's Having A Child
I Am That Crack Head Begging For Change
I Am That Hood Rat
That Wanna Be Gangster
That Baby Mamma
Baby Daddy
I Am That Blind Man In Front Of Wal-Greens
That Crazy Man A Cross The Street
I Am The Under-funded Schools
The Over-funded Police
That Only Cause More Trouble Then There Is
I Am That Little Girl And Little Boy That Sees Stars
Only To Gets Shot Down By All The Negative Environments
I Am Corners Like Second And D Where My People Get Shot
I Am The Hospitals With Not Enough Beds
The Homeless Shelter With Not Enough Shelter
I Am That Hurricane After Hurricane
I Am That Broken House On Every Block
I Am Those Nights Filled With Sirens
I Am The House Filled With Tears
I Am That Mysterious Destination
So Come On And Visit Me
And Have Fun
Come Take In My Sights
They Are Beautiful To See
But Once Your Done
So You Won't Have To See The Misery
That I Hold
So Do You Now Know Who I Am?
I Am That Place You Want To BeThat Place You Want To See
But Not That Place You Want To Stay
At Least Until They Fix Me

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