
For The Honor Of My Family

I know not why it is important or why it should be done. I know not why my Sisters of the world I live in must go through this. I know not why other than it is a must. Nothing is what I can become if it is not done. Belittled is how I will be treated. Dirty, filthy, beneath the scum on the Earth is how I will me looked at. My friends will be no longer because I would be not like the rest. I would be a disgrace. Just your everyday trash that everyone sees on the road, but no one wants to clean up. Others will look upon my family with shame and with the repugnance in their eyes look down on us. Turn up their noses like we like we carry the stench of rotten offal. I seen it all happen to a girl who is not a girl any more. Her mother was like mine. She was always trying to prolong the inevitable. I watched from a distance the way she was treated. I often thought she was going be different and rise above the rest. Well that was until I saw her mother be taught a "lesson" by her father. That was when I knew her specialness was to be taken away.Now they say she is a women now like the rest of them. They now look at her and see honor with the same eyes that they saw disgrace. I wander how can she be a woman without her womanness.The very thing that defines who us, Sisters, of the world is. Therefore I know not how she is a woman, but for the honor of my family I will be to.
~About FGM

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