

Maybe my voice would be heard
Maybe it will rise above yours
Maybe they can hear me from far away
Maybe they won't say,'what did she say'
Maybe I can catch the attention of many others
Maybe I can stop saying maybe
Maybe I can speak my mind
Maybe I can do what I want
Maybe I won't let my limitations keep me from
Maybe I can have fun for once
Maybe I can go along
Maybe I can stop thinking and just do
Maybe I can stop saying maybe
Maybe I won't care about what you do
Maybe I won't care about what you do
Maybe I just wont care about you
Maybe I won't care about what you say
Maybe I won't care about what I do
Maybe I won't care at all
Maybe I can just let everything go
Maybe I can stop saying maybe
Maybe just maybe it's not me it's you
Maybe I just need to let you go
So you can just let me be
Let me be me
Let me be like what MLK said
And that's FREE
Free at Last
Free at Last
Thank God Almighty
Maybe I can be Free at Last

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